
It’s the day after #InternationalWomensDay, and on LinkedIn I read and shared a significant amount of valid push back against it early in the day. But as I mulled it over, I came to a realization that I needed a more expansive response. I’m drawing from an improv technique where you take what your fellow


Searching for Career Opportunities

Searching for jobs right now in the field of communication/marketing/PR and especially hybrid or remote work is difficult right now. Here are a few niche resources for jobs I’ve come across. Matt Lockshin’s searchable job board lists progressive non-profits and agencies that have digital job openings. https://www.mattlockshin.com/job-board Kaitlyn Arford publishes a newsletter full of freelance


Cloudy with a 20% Chance of Uncertainty

One of my projects went live today! The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science reached out tome, in the spring to see if I’d be interested in contributing to their blog, The Link and I jumped at the opportunity! The first of the videos I’ll be creating for them went live last week! https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/alda-center/thelink/posts/Cloudy_with_a_Chance.php


A New Adventure Begins!

Starting my own consulting company has been a dream of mine for many years and the time has finally come to get this party started! I can’t wait to share more about the work I am already doing, share useful resources I encounter and find new opportunities to collaborate with others. It’s time to begin

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"Screenshot of Beehiiv newsletter management page which shows a 0% open rate (down 100%), 0% click through rate (down 100%) and on the right in a section labeled “Streak” it says “Build your steak, publish a post to begin a new streak”

Getting Back in Action


This week I finally sent out another newsletter, after taking 4 weeks off. Before that, I had a streak going of sending something out every 1 to 2 weeks. But I had been knocked out by a quadruple whammy of: I shared my challenges, not as a way to get my readers to feel sorry