Yesterday, I led core strength training for pole dancers and on Thursday I’m leading a group of creative freelancers through a LinkedIn sprint. It may surprise you, but there’s a lot of similarities between both tasks!
In both instances, I’m acting as a coach for a workout.
Core Strength – It’s physical (and a little mental)
LI Sprint – It’s mental (they call it a sprint for a reason)
My responsibility is to guide others on how to push themselves without injury. I model examples of good form.
Core Strength – Keep your knees over your toes. Roll your shoulders down and back
LI Sprint – Schedule time in your calendar each day of the sprint. Use alt text for all images and #PascalCase for hashtags.
I offer encouragement and support as they start to experience fatigue.
Core Strength – See if you can do two more toe circles, shake your legs out if you need a quick break and try again
LI Sprint – Reminder email that we only have two days left and if they’ve “fallen of the bandwagon”, each day is a chance for a new start
I remind them that THEY are the expert on themselves.
Core Strength – Listen to your body. If something hurts, don’t do it. You can always try for more reps or to lift your leg higher next time. Let me know if you need a modification.
LI Sprint – Listen to your inner voice, this is an opportunity to push yourself, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of your mental health. This does NOT need to be the top priority in your life.
I build an inclusive community.
Core Strength – No “welcome ladies”. No talking about “building a six pack”. I show my vulnerability (I tip over too when standing on one leg and drawing a circle in the air with my other foot!)
LI Sprint – Messaging from the start is about finding accountability and lifting each other up in an industry that can seem competitive. The event helps me as much as it does the participants. A rising tide lifts all boats.
This is the work I am drawn to do…that fills my cup. So pump up the jam and let’s get this workout started! And if you’d like to join my next LinkedIn Sprint, check out the schedule on my career coaching page.