Changing Course

I sent out a scary email this morning, but I knew it was time for a change. I’ve been writing a newsletter called, “Going Remote for TV News Professionals” for the last month and a half. A few months ago I created and shared a list of remote job databases in a Facebook group for


You’re Enough

Do you remember the SNL skit with Al Franken and Michael Jordan? (Yes, I’m THAT old and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, check it out below). Al has Michael look into a mirror and recite the mantra, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.” In my


The Stalled-Out Search

One of the worst sounds you can hear during a job hunt is crickets. 🦗🦗🦗 You start the job search excited and perhaps nervous about where your next step will take you. You edit your resume and create a cover letter (possibly for the first time if you’re coming directly out of TV News) and


You Got Skillz!

Can you guess where this word cloud came from? (No scrolling down and cheating 😉) If you guessed these are the skills required to work in journalism (that’s what I would have thought as a former TV News person), guess again… I used my old pal Google and pulled text from more than a dozen


TV News Trauma

There’s a toxic we talk about…and the toxic that goes unspoken but still traumatizes. In the TV News business, there’s plenty to complain about. The work hours are often horrible, most are poorly paid, social media followers can be vicious, there are toxic bosses, etc etc. But there’s another layer on top of all that


Embracing a New Identity

More than any position I’ve had (including stints at science museums, higher education, non-profits and owning my own business), people are most intrigued to learn about my TV News life. “What was it REALLY like?” “Do you miss it?” If you are on-air, they’re drawn to the perceived fame and fortune (insert sarcastic laughter here).


Your TV News background is the KEY to a remote job…

…you just have to explain why. There’s no way around it, competition for remote work is fierce! Remote positions receive hundreds, even thousands of applicants. Looking at those numbers may give you a sense of hopelessness, especially if you’re trying to make two simultaneous transitions: from one industry (like TV news) into another AND from

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Sara wears brightly colored workout clothes. Her face is turned to the camera with a relaxed smile as she is lying balanced on her upper back and neck with her legs extended to the ceiling in the candlestick pose.

Support and Accountability


I’ve taught group fitness classes for many years, and there’s always a throng of people who show up in early January, eager to kick start their New Year’s resolution to get “in shape”. Fellow fitness instructors and regular group fitness class attendees reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. And you know what? Nearly half