I Speak Up

Warning: I am a professional squeaky wheel and feather ruffler. As an extrovert, I’m willing to advocate for others when there is an issue. This is especially true when I’m involved in conversations around a topic I feel is important. I have been criticized for “talking out of turn” and “not respecting hierarchy” in the


Who Gets to Fail?

I’m pondering the nuances of failure. Last week, I posted on LinkedIn about what I perceived to be a lapse of judgement in picking the subject line of my newsletter for job seeker trying to change industries, “Take it With You“. I chose “Failure to Translate”, but when I opened the email on my phone,


Lost in Translation

Getting lost in translation is a problem for travelers and job seekers. It almost ruined the last few days of my honeymoon in Italy. My husband and I were going to spend the night in Manarola (one of the picturesque towns along the Mediterranean Sea that makes up Cinque Terre). We received an email confirmation,


I’m Anti-Niche

THERE, I’ve said it! It’s in my LinkedIn headline but I’ve never taken the time to explain what I mean in a post In part, that’s because I’ve been a little nervous about the push back. After all, if you listen to entrepreneurship/freelancing advice, you’re almost certain to hear the message “find your niche to


Tell the Chef I Sent You

One of my favorite parts of traveling is checking out local restaurants. Specifically, I love locally-owned coffee shops and wine tasting establishments. I enjoy these culinary outings even more when the location has been recommended by a friend. And I KNOW I’m into something good when someone recommends a place AND tells me, “And let


Using Your Connections

When it comes to your job search, you might be surprised to find out who is most likely to help you find out about a new job you can apply for. It isn’t always your colleagues and close friends. It’s your second degree connections, the people you’d refer to as your acquaintances who are just

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"Polaroid picture from the Minnesota State Fair in 1998. Sara’s smiling head is visible inside a NASA spacesuit."

Be Your Own Best Friend


I know that you show kindness and compassion for others. Here’s how you can do the same thing for yourself during the stress of job search. I’d like to introduce you to my dear friend, Sara Kobilka. Sara is a recovering perfectionist. She can still remember the day in her junior year of high school