I’m a huge proponent of the concept of lifelong learning. It’s part of what drew me into journalism for my first bachelor’s degree and it continues to guide my interests. I’m in the process of completing a MOOC from the State University of New York called Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success. As part of course, I’m in the process of creating an e-Portfolio which includes a page dedicated to DEIAA (diversity, equity, inclusion, access and accessibility) resources. The structure and prodding from this course has given me an opportunity to start compiling and organizing wealth of resources I’ve come across related to these topics which play an important part in almost all of the work I do. I recently earned my EmTechWIKI contributor badge for adding resources to their growing database of free resources and plan to continue to contribute in the future. If you have resources that you think I should include in my DEIAA resource page, please let me know!
Adding to the Lifelong Learner’s Toolbox