Moms Deserve a BREAK!

Can this just stop already?!? Moms (and caregivers in general) deserve a break! Three days ago I celebrate the 8th anniversary of birthing day (my name for my children’s birthdays). After almost 40 hours of labor, my husband and I welcomed our first child into the world 8 years ago. And suffice it to say,


Acing the Job Interview, Pt. 1

In my last newsletter, I discussed how to prepare for a job interview by “unpacking your skillset suitcase” in the form of stories that show you have the skills needed for a position (show, don’t tell). I recommended you practice sharing those stories out loud with a trusted friend or family member to gain confidence.


I Speak Up

Warning: I am a professional squeaky wheel and feather ruffler. As an extrovert, I’m willing to advocate for others when there is an issue. This is especially true when I’m involved in conversations around a topic I feel is important. I have been criticized for “talking out of turn” and “not respecting hierarchy” in the


Who Gets to Fail?

I’m pondering the nuances of failure. Last week, I posted on LinkedIn about what I perceived to be a lapse of judgement in picking the subject line of my newsletter for job seeker trying to change industries, “Take it With You“. I chose “Failure to Translate”, but when I opened the email on my phone,


Lost in Translation

Getting lost in translation is a problem for travelers and job seekers. It almost ruined the last few days of my honeymoon in Italy. My husband and I were going to spend the night in Manarola (one of the picturesque towns along the Mediterranean Sea that makes up Cinque Terre). We received an email confirmation,


I’m Anti-Niche

THERE, I’ve said it! It’s in my LinkedIn headline but I’ve never taken the time to explain what I mean in a post In part, that’s because I’ve been a little nervous about the push back. After all, if you listen to entrepreneurship/freelancing advice, you’re almost certain to hear the message “find your niche to


Tell the Chef I Sent You

One of my favorite parts of traveling is checking out local restaurants. Specifically, I love locally-owned coffee shops and wine tasting establishments. I enjoy these culinary outings even more when the location has been recommended by a friend. And I KNOW I’m into something good when someone recommends a place AND tells me, “And let