Be Your Own Best Friend

I know that you show kindness and compassion for others. Here’s how you can do the same thing for yourself during the stress of job search. I’d like to introduce you to my dear friend, Sara Kobilka. Sara is a recovering perfectionist. She can still remember the day in her junior year of high school


Support and Accountability

I’ve taught group fitness classes for many years, and there’s always a throng of people who show up in early January, eager to kick start their New Year’s resolution to get “in shape”. Fellow fitness instructors and regular group fitness class attendees reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. And you know what? Nearly half


POKE – Showing up on LinkedIn

You’re ready! You updated your LinkedIn profile “Experience” section with your past and current jobs off your Master Resume. You’ve got some recommendations, perhaps thanks to the I’ll Scratch Your Back, if You Scratch Mine technique. Your photo is current and you’re ready to Network, Network, Network! But you’re scared. You’re scared because you’re worried


The Meteorologist’s Paradox

How are meteorologists feeling right now? Honestly, their feelings are mixed. I speak as a former TV meteorologist long out of “the biz” but still connected via social media with many on air, at the National Weather Service, and involved in research and teaching. Before this hurricane season began, researchers predicted that the 2024 Atlantic


Moms Deserve a BREAK!

Can this just stop already?!? Moms (and caregivers in general) deserve a break! Three days ago I celebrate the 8th anniversary of birthing day (my name for my children’s birthdays). After almost 40 hours of labor, my husband and I welcomed our first child into the world 8 years ago. And suffice it to say,


I Speak Up

Warning: I am a professional squeaky wheel and feather ruffler. As an extrovert, I’m willing to advocate for others when there is an issue. This is especially true when I’m involved in conversations around a topic I feel is important. I have been criticized for “talking out of turn” and “not respecting hierarchy” in the